Mark Peters
Mark Peter’s dedication to the Active Adult group at Hartland Movement Center is backed by the desire to help sustain bodies as we start to age. Mark believes that our bodies are meant to move, and without safe and consistent movement, we can quickly lose the ability to move comfortably. Mark helps active adults challenge themselves physically and maintain a high quality of life by focusing on strength, balance, stability, and stamina training.
Mark has had decades of sport and fitness training. He was a young club and collegiate gymnast and competed into his 30s. He went on to become the Director of the Boys Program for Swiss Turners, a local gymnastics club. He’s played state league tennis, ran dozens of races, and competes in high-performance go-kart racing.
Mark embarked on his personal training journey in 2018 through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He’s currently studying to be a movement specialist through Gray’s Institute, pursuing a certificate in Advanced Functional Science. Backed by his training and lifelong passion for movement, Mark helps adults 45+ ensure they are fit for life.